Jikoni Cafe’ is an ALL VEGAN restaurant sitting in the heart of Norfolk. We bring an alternative option to meat without compromising the savory flavor.
How do we do it? With our secret ingredient JIKONI KUSH. This non-hybrid grain, hailing from the tropics of Africa, provides our customers with the feeling of a
satisfactroy hardy meal, a well seasoned dish, and has them leaving with a healthy attitude. From our ALL VEGAN ice cream smoothies to our 10″ ALL VEGAN
Jadi pizzas, Jikoni Cafe’ has mastered the culinary vegan arts while also providing an outlet for folks intellectually indulged into the rich culture of the Conscious
Community. You will find us immediately within our cities shinning star The House of Consciousness on 35th street. Bring an empty stomach along with an
open mind and we’ll send you back full.