Adefris & Toppin Women’s Specialists, in Woodbury, Minnesota, and the Twin Cities area, is a full-range obstetrics and gynecology practice
offering holistic, individualized treatment from an experienced, all-female team of physicians.
i-Health accepts a wide range of health plans. We encourage you to check with your insurance to make sure your
health plan provides coverage for your care.
Insurance benefits have become very complex in the last several years. Your benefit plan may only limit you to
treat with a subset of contracted providers. In addition for patients that may require surgery, i-Health may be
in-network with your insurance plan but the surgical facility may be out-of-network. Due to the complexity of
insurance benefits, i-Health requests that all of our patients contact your insurance if you have any questions
regarding in-network providers offered by your insurance plan.
Our physicians perform surgeries at hospitals and same day surgery centers located throughout the Twin Cities
Metro area and beyond. While i-Health physicians are on staff at many hospitals and same day surgery centers,
not all physicians are on staff at all hospitals and all surgery centers. It is important to inquire which facilities your
physician performs surgeries at in case you need to be close to home or family after your procedure. In addition,
it will be important for you to confirm that the surgical facility location is also in-network with your insurance.
Billing/Financial FAQ
i-Health will submit a claim on your behalf to your insurance carrier. After your insurance provider processes
your claim, i-Health will send you a statement outlining any out-of-pocket costs you may have. Your statement
will include any deductibles and/or co-insurance amounts you may owe. You will receive a statement approximately
30 days after you receive services. Co-payments are due at the time of service.
Yes, i-Health will need the information on your insurance card to correctly file a claim with your insurance company.
You will be asked to present your insurance card at each visit.
The need for a referral differs by insurance plan. Please contact your insurance company directly prior to scheduling
an appointment to inquire whether i-Health is in-network for your health plan. Obtaining a referral is the
responsibility of the patient.
The need for a prior authorization differs by insurance plan and the type of procedure or service being provided.
i-Health will initiate the prior authorization request from your insurance company for you; however, it is your
responsibility to make sure that you have prior authorization before receiving certain health care procedures
and/or services.
Out-of-pocket expenses are determined by your insurance plan during claim processing. These amounts may
include co-payments, deductibles, and/or co-insurance. If you have questions or don’t agree or understand the
amounts you owe, please contact your insurance company directly as they determine patient responsibility
amounts for any services provided to you based on your insurance plan contract.
You are responsible for your bill at the time you receive services from i-Health. We will work with you and your
insurance company to get all eligible benefits processed in a timely manner. We will send you a statement
approximately 30 days after you receive services for any patient responsibility amounts you may owe.
While i-Health encourages patients to pay in full after your first statement, we understand that some may need
flexible payment options. i-Health does offer some limited payment plans based on your balance. Length of time
allowed is also based on your balance. If you need greater flexibility than what i-Health can offer, we do have a
relationship with Care Credit. More information on Care Credit can be found on our website.
Depending on the type of supply, there may be a charge associated with it. Not all supplies are considered
covered benefits by your plan, however many are.
We will bill your insurance company as a courtesy to you. You will be financially responsible for any portion of
your bill that your insurance does not pay.